Order printing through Email

Each PrintHub terminal has assigned unique email that can be used for delivering your documents to any terminal. Terminal's email can be found on each terminal's details page. You can get to such page with help of "Got to kiosk page" button on terminals map page.


Pay attention, please. This method of placing order is considered as outdated because it is not confidential and we maintain it only for our old clients' convenience. After sending documents to printing terminal in this method, anyone, who has access to terminal, can print your document or delete it. We recommend to use another, more secure channels of ordering pinging such as order printing using web site, or to place orders using Viber bot or Telegram bot.


After terminal recieves an email with attached documents it places attachments into a common list of files that show up on the screen after terminal user clicks button "Print files from Email" on main menu.


Print from Email printhub menu item