Evgeniy Batov

PrintHub creator. Experienced software architect and .NET developer.
Website: https://www.printhub.io/
PrintHub creator. Experienced software architect and .NET developer.
Website: https://www.printhub.io/
Hello everyone, 👋 My name is Evgeniy Batov and I'm happy to welcome you here. This is a blog where we are going to publish stories and interesting facts about the PrintHub, out team, challenges and achievements. Also we plan to share our technical solutions, successfull stories and helper manuals for integrators and end users. The idea to create self service printing kiosk came to my mind in 2017 when me and my spouse Anna were travelling in Italy. I still remember that day pretty well. We took a train from Milano to Florence First line of PrintHub code has been written long time ago in 2017.…