What is the PrintHub SaaS?

PrintHub SaaS connects consumers with photo shops and print centers and brings your printing business online. You can easily get registered your print shop in our cloud and start accepting printing orders online in 15 minutes.


Each registered print center gets own landing page that is fully customizable for its needs. Fonts, html, colors and CSS can be easily adjusted to fit your print center design. The default landing page view looks like on the picture below and you can easily edit all displayed information and the way how it looks like in your personal profile.

Default PrintHub landing view

Default landing page

PrintHub landing page editor

Landing page editor

Your landing page is a start point for your clients to order their printings. Your can redirect your clients right from your site or they can use printhub map to find and open it. All registered users have a personal file system where they can upload and store their files for further printing. By clicking "Print" button they are taken to their profile page where they are able to select or upload files and photos they want to be printed.

PrintHub map

PrintHub map

PrintHub profile

User's file system and print queue

Having selected files for printing the users are getting redirected to print editor page. Print editor page hosts various builders for editing print orders. With help of these print builders clients configure all aspects of printing and to see how their prints will look like. Currently, we support online editors for photo printing and for files printing only but we are working on others products support such as printing on canvases, t-shirts etc and they will appear as well soon.

Photo print builder

Photo print builder

File order builder

File print builder

Once the printing and paper setttings are set the order is ready to be sent into the basket. The basket checkout flow is quite standart and consistis of 2 steps: setting delivery and setting payment infromation. Available payment and delivery options are driven by the print shop configuration.

Basket page

Basket page

Setting delivery information

Setting delivery details

All placed orders are being sent to print center's profile. Print center owner and its administrators receive a notification email once a new order arrives to their print shop. Incoming order has associated archive that contains all nessessary for printing files as well as it stores all information about payment and delivery that was choosen by customer when order was created.

Incoming orders

Incoming orders

Incoming order details

Incoming order details

PrintHub is built on top of architecture that has a built in localization support. We are cabable to handle endless number of currencies and languages. If you are looking for system that is able to process printing orders in your local language then you are at the right place.

The printhub's road map is flexible and we are developing it using client oriented approach. It means that if highly demanded for your business product is not supported by our system or existing products are not flexible enough you can email us the details and we will let you know when how and on what terms we can add the support of your product.